Developing Your Muscle Building Routine

Muscle Building RoutineThe Beginners Guide To A Chiseled Physique

So you’ve finally made the decision that it is time for you to get rid of all of that stored up body fat, lose some weight and put on some muscle! You’ve spent years being an inactive person and it has finally caught up with you. All of that added on fat doesn’t only affect your appearance, but the way you feel about yourself as well! It’s more draining to go through your day to day life feeling lousy, sick, unwanted and so much more! So grab a pen and grab some paper and start writing down your beginner muscle building routine!

There are a lot of people who go through the thought process of “I want to lose the weight and I will lose the weight!” Which is a great way to start, however, jumping straight into it doesn’t always leave you with the benefits you would hope for. This is why it is important to develop a muscle building routine that will get you on the right path to shedding some unwanted poundage and turning it into muscle! Keep on reading to find out how you can begin your beginners step by step routine to losing weight!

How To Develop A Muscle Building Routine?

A lot of people’s problems revolve around not knowing how to design an effective muscle building routine around getting rid of that unwanted weight. The most common practice is to default a body part split, typically resulting in a chest day, legs day, back day, arm day, abs day and calves and shoulders day. But that may not be the case to effectively getting rid of the weight and turning it into muscle.

  1. Reinforcing Specific Movement Patterns: One of the most important things you can do as a beginner is to reinforce those specific movement patterns. By using a body split method, each movement can be emphasized only once any given week. This reinforcement is referred to as motor learning, and results in significant strength gains in new movements.
  2. Unnecessary Overload: This type of program also results in an unnecessary overload of the joints, ligaments, tendons, and muscles of beginners. You’d almost be better off dumping most of your “chest day” exercises into 3-5 sets of a simple push up, bench press, or dumbbell press.
  3. Undue Stress: Emphasizing single joint movements also results in undue stress to certain muscles and joints that would get equally as strong from using multi joint movements.
  4. Core Training: Your core muscles influence every movement you perform; it’s insane to train these muscles one a week!
  5. Shoulder Days Are Not Needed: It’s possible that you can work out your shoulders while doing upper arm and general arm workouts. It’s complete unnecessary to devote an entire workout to doing just your shoulders.
  6. Short Term Efficiency: As you begin your workouts, everything tends to workout for you. The fact is though, that these things work in the short term does not make them an optimal form of training, The goal isn’t just to get bigger and or stronger, it’s to accomplish these things as effectively and efficiently as possible.

By not following a good workout routine, especially as a beginner; your body will be more prone to injuries only delaying your process of reaching your fitness goals. This may also discourage you from wanting to continue with your workout routines as well. So make sure to keep an open mind on your routine, don’t over do it and have fun!