How To Incorporate Cheat Meals

cheat mealsYou Can Never Say No To Delicious Foods

Every person enjoys a good cheat meal once in a while, but if you’re serious about your health and wellness you many not know how to incorporate these sorts of meals into your diet. There are so many conflicting opinions about cheat meals, whether you’re looking to increase muscle build or lose weight. Just like anything else, it really is about trial and error. Some people chose to eliminate these meals completely because it really effects their fitness journey, however, many like to dedicate one meal per week to something they wouldn’t normally eat on a daily basis and have it not affect their fitness goals.

So what exactly is a cheat meal? This allows you to satisfy cravings and give you a chance to loosen the reigns on the foods you eat. Many often get caught up in turning their cheat meals into a cheat day. The main purpose of these meals is to add extra calories to your current plan and diet. Unfortunately, many people do get carried away with these meals, so that’s why this article is meant to devise a plan to learn how to incorporate these plans into your journey.

How To Incorporate Cheat Meals?

One thing that I previously mentioned is the fact that people tend to forget that cheat meals only revolve around one meal, not an entire day. This will only be effective if you have an extremely fast metabolism. Don’t get carried away with your meals because you could end up gaining the weight right back. And if you’re looking to bulk up on your muscle, you can gain double the fat you normally would have during the week.

The best kind of cheat meal is one that is high in carbohydrates and low in dietary fats. This is said to cause less body fat storage than a high fat cheat meal, that comes with additional diet-related benefits. Micheal Matthews, the author of “How To Enjoy Cheat Meals Without Ruining Your Diet” says…

“… its true that eating carbohydrates stimulates insulin production, so does protein. Low carbohydrate meals can cause more insulin to be released than high carbohydrate meals.”

What many also like to ignore the fact that dietary fat also suppresses HSL, and an enzyme called acylation stimulating protein, your body doesn’t need high levels of insulin to store dietary fat as body fat. The biggest point that Matthew’s drives is that insulin does not cause fat cells to absorb acids and glucose and thus expand, but that’s not what causes you to get fatter over time, overeating does.

The worst type of cheat meal you can consume is one that is high in fats and can make it worse by adding alcohol. Alcohol has the tendency to block fat oxidation, which in turn accelerates the rate at which your body stores dietary fat as body fat.

What Types Of Foods Should I Incorporate Into My Cheat Meals?

Many people who are looking to bulk up like to enjoy a cheat meal that revolves around being the biggest burger, a large pizza, hot wings, potato wedges, anything that is high in carbohydrates. Many people say to stay away from processed foods that come from McDonald’s and other fast food restaurants as such.

If you’re unsure of what to eat for your weekly, biweekly or however you want consume your cheat meals, consult with someone who is an expert in weight training and meal planning!